
Hi! I'm Andrew Wallis

Embrace the Power of Time Off: Investing in Your Well-Being for Long-Term Success

Published about 2 months ago • 3 min read

Hi Reader,

I hope you've had a fantastic week!

This past week has been a whirlwind of activities, from supporting my Mastermind clients to finish Q1 strong to finalising plans for my upcoming product launch next month.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, I've been reflecting on the importance of self-care and the value of taking a strategic sabbatical.

Fitness Business Owners like us are driven by passion and ambition, constantly pushing boundaries to achieve success. However, it's essential to recognize that sustainable success goes hand in hand with maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

A well deserved break isn't just a luxury; it's a strategic investment in our well-being, personal growth, and ultimately, the success of our businesses. That's why I each year I prioritise time to map out my "No Brown Days" Annual Roadmap using Wayne Cotton's Annual Road Maps.

Here are a few reasons why I believe taking a series of breaks each year are vital for Fit Pro's like us:

  1. Recharge your Energy: Taking a break allows you to recharge and rejuvenate, ensuring you come back to work with renewed energy and enthusiasm.
  2. Reflect and Gain Clarity: Stepping away from the day-to-day grind gives you the space to reflect on your goals, gain clarity, and realign your priorities.
  3. Foster Personal Growth: Use this time to invest in yourself, whether through personal development activities, hobbies, or simply spending quality time with loved ones.
  4. Strengthen Relationships: A sabbatical provides an opportunity to nurture your relationships with family and friends, strengthening your support network and overall well-being.
  5. Enhance Productivity and Innovation: Studies have shown that taking breaks leads to increased productivity and creativity, as it allows your mind to rest and generate fresh ideas.

By taking a sabbatical, even if it's just a short weekend break, you're making a strategic investment in your business's long-term success. It's about prioritising your well-being and recognising that success isn't just about non-stop hustle.

As Fit Pro's, we spend all our time working on our clients health that we all too often overlook our own well-being in pursuit of our goals.

However, it's essential to remember that taking care of ourselves is not only beneficial for our personal lives but also for the success of our businesses as well as our dependants.

I encourage you to consider the idea of mapping out your Road Map for Q2 of 2024, making sure to block time for a well deserved break this coming Quarter.

Embrace the opportunity to recharge, reflect, and renew your entrepreneurial spirit. Remember, success is about finding balance and prioritizing self-care.

Now, onto this week's content!


I’ve been quietly working on a new program called the Fitness Marketing Growth Engine.

This new program is being created following a lot of conversations with prospects and folks within the Fit Pro communities I support online.

These conversations led me to realising that there were 3 major challenges faced by fitness professionals –

  • no clear marketing plan,
  • limited visibility,
  • and a lack of quality leads

This program is designed to be the solution.

Reply to this email with 'INTERESTED' to be added to the waiting list and receive exclusive bonuses once the program launches.

QUICK HINT: those on the waiting list get super special bonuses ;-)

Now… onto this weeks content… ​


Now, let’s dive into some valuable resources to elevate your fitness business.

Unlock Success: Email List Mastery for Fitness Pros

Excited to share this week's exclusive content with you: my latest YouTube video titled 'Unlock Success: Email List Mastery for Fitness Pros.'

Gain valuable insights and practical strategies to elevate your fitness business. Explore how to master email lists and attract potential clients, all while discovering the secrets to success in the fitness industry.

6-Step Framework to Grow Your Email List | Season 7, Episode 112

In this episode Josh and I delve into a six-step framework to turbocharge your email list growth. We’re breaking down complex marketing strategies into digestible, actionable steps.

This episode is a goldmine for anyone looking to connect with their audience on a deeper level. Whether you're just starting out or aiming to refine your current strategies, you’re in the right place for expert insights.


Are you actively growing your email list? If not, it’s time to change that. I’ve been a customer and affiliate for ConvertKit since 2017. They provide everything I need to build, market, and stay connected with my audience. Get a FREE 14-Day Trial.

That wraps up this week’s newsletter. I’ll be back with more insights next Sunday!

Best wishes for the week ahead.


Hi! I'm Andrew Wallis

I'm a Fitness Business Coach, Marketing Geek, and... a diehard Manchester Utd Fan! Most PT’s and Studio owners feel overwhelmed and confused with how to market their business so that it grows and stands out from the competition. I give them the step by step marketing plan they need to grow their business, get consistent leads coming in and be seen as the clear leader for their niche. Sign up to my newsletter, Fitness Marketing Blueprints, to get fitness marketing prompts in your inbox weekly.

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