
Hi! I'm Andrew Wallis

Weekly Insights: Building Stronger Connections with Your Audience

Published about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Hi Reader,

I hope your week has been amazing!

This week I have been active working with the Black Belt Members in the Strength Matters community.

If you weren’t aware, I work closely with James and Josh at Strength Matters, serving as their Business Growth Strategist and overseeing their Black Belt Business Academy.

This role allows me to guide and support their community in building and growing their fitness businesses.

This week we explored the vital concept of engagement over broadcasting.

With the daily content flood, establishing genuine connections with your audience is paramount.

Real connections go beyond sales pitches and promotions.

While consistent marketing is crucial, it’s equally vital to balance promotional content with valuable, educational, or inspirational posts.

Key Content Fundamentals:

  1. Go Beyond the Sales Pitch: Provide value in every interaction. Balance promotions with educational and inspirational content to establish yourself as a trusted authority.
  2. Engage, Don’t Just Broadcast: Create opportunities for interaction. Use polls, quizzes, and direct questions to invite feedback and ideas from your audience.
  3. Don’t Leave All the Work to AI: While AI tools are beneficial, infuse your personal touch. Share your opinions, lessons learned, and personal stories to make your content authentic.

If you are not a member of this vibrant and supportive community of health and wellness professionals, I invite you to join this free community and in doing so you can read the full post and share your insights in the comments.


I’ve been quietly working on a new program called the Fitness Marketing Growth Engine.

This new program is being created following a lot of conversations with prospects and folks within the Fit Pro communities I support online.

These conversations led me to realising that there were 3 major challenges faced by fitness professionals –

  • no clear marketing plan,
  • limited visibility,
  • and a lack of quality leads

This program is designed to be the solution.

Reply to this email with 'INTERESTED' to be added to the waiting list and receive exclusive bonuses once the program launches.

QUICK HINT: those on the waiting list get super special bonuses ;-)

Now… onto this weeks content… ​


Now, let’s dive into some valuable resources to elevate your fitness business.

Mastering Your Marketing: Creating a Content Calendar

This step-by-step guide will help you set clear goals, build monthly themes, and generate weekly topics to stand out in the saturated fitness market.

Discover the best content types, platforms, and tools to increase your brand awareness, generate targeted leads every week, and gain new clients every month.

Morning Mastery: Crafting Your Unstoppable Life in 2024

Dive into this episode where Josh Kennedy and I unveil the secrets to crafting a morning routine that propels you into an unstoppable 2024.

Whether you've struggled with routines in the past or are looking to optimize your mornings for maximum productivity and clarity, this episode is your first step towards a transformed life.


Are you actively growing your email list? If not, it’s time to change that. I’ve been a customer and affiliate for ConvertKit since 2017. They provide everything I need to build, market, and stay connected with my audience. Get a FREE 14-Day Trial.

That wraps up this week’s newsletter. I’ll be back with more insights next Sunday!

Best wishes for the week ahead.


Hi! I'm Andrew Wallis

I'm a Fitness Business Coach, Marketing Geek, and... a diehard Manchester Utd Fan! Most PT’s and Studio owners feel overwhelmed and confused with how to market their business so that it grows and stands out from the competition. I give them the step by step marketing plan they need to grow their business, get consistent leads coming in and be seen as the clear leader for their niche. Sign up to my newsletter, Fitness Marketing Blueprints, to get fitness marketing prompts in your inbox weekly.

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